ICT Internship Opportunities Management System
Nowadays, as competition for graduate jobs increases, students need to think of new ways to set themselves apart from all of the other equally qualified and skilled candidates. An internship is an opportunity offered by an employer to potential employees, called interns, to work at a firm for a fixed period of time. Interns are usually undergraduates or students, and most internships last between a month and three months. Internships are usually part-time if offered during a university semester and full-time if offered during the vacation periods.
An internship should give you practical skills, workplace experience, and greater knowledge for students. Now we will develop ICT Internship Opportunities Management System (iioms) to provide for students a job description with desired qualifications. This system is intended to give opportunity and to develop knowledge and skills in a particular field or industry for the graduate students.
Cardiac Care System
Cardiac Care System is a web-based information management system and the whole system will run on the internet. Our system is designed for both public and private health care organizations. Health care is an integrated service industry designed to respond to people’s needs. Health care providers (such as doctors, nurses) are the most important persons in the implementation of the greatest healthcare service. This system is to develop the quality of patient care service, to accelerate the patient care working progress, to improve reliable communication between patients and health care providers. The system will give valuable health services for patients, flexible, and accurate working environments for health care organizations.
Volunteer Management System
Volunteer Management System is a web application that is useful for appliers who are going to choose events that are declared with detailed information of the place, type of volunteering, and duration of volunteering. This is helpful for the volunteers who want to know the place where need volunteers and to join as a volunteer easily. Volunteer Management System (VMS) is designed to select the volunteers who match the criteria of volunteers and tasks. Volunteer Management System is also useful for not only volunteering the events that support the required places but also declared the donation contact information.
Employee Performance Evaluation System
This system is a very effective tool to motivate and monitor employees of the organizations. This system aims to become better organization by improving employees’ skills. This system is to help for increasing beliefs between each other as well as increasing in rank of organizations that have professional employees. By using this system, the employees may know their weakness and strength points. This system is to solve the problem of increasing disqualified employees.