List of Course-Completed Students from Batch 1 to 26

No. Course Name Duration Number of Trainees Total
Student MOST Other Ministry
1. Software Engineering Course 23 weeks 461 247 64 0 35 807
2. Network Engineering Course 23 weeks 636 228 191 5 143 1203
3. Advanced Web Design Course 5 weeks 89 38 5 0 2 134
4. Advanced Database Course 3 weeks 183 58 13 0 4 258
5. Advanced Java Framework Course 2 weeks 32 12 2 0 1 47
6. Advanced Server Course (Virtualization & LDAP ) 7 weeks 88 30 3 0 22 143
7. Cisco Networking Academy Course(CCNA: Routing & Switching) 8 weeks 31 3 5 0 3 42
Cisco Learning Network Course (Routing, Switching and Voice 7 weeks 43 10 6 0 7 66
Advanced Networking Course (Cisco Routing & Switching) 2 weeks 67 21 1 0 6 95
Advanced Networking Course (Cisco Voice) 2 weeks 23 3 0 0 10 36
8. Advanced PHP Web Application System Development Course 5 weeks 180 60 32 2 9 283
9. Ruby on Rails Framework based System 2 weeks 7 0 0 0 0 7
10. Web and Cloud System Development Course 4 weeks 14 0 13 0 0 27
11. Mobile Phone System Development Course 4 weeks 11 0 0 0 0 11
12. Project Management Course 4 weeks 13 0 32 0 0 45
Total 1878 710 318 7 242 3204